Membership Benefits
Professional Development
Through its activities and services, BOAT officers and staff encourage and help all members to enhance, expand, and cultivate their professional abilities.
Boat membership includes a quarterly online newsletter.
Discounted TML Publications
BOAT membership provides each member an opportunity to receive, at a significantly reduced price, one subscription to the Texas Municipal League’s magazine, Texas Town & City (regular price $20; affiliate price $15).
Professional Recognition
Your accomplishments are recognized at BOAT’s Mid-Year Meeting, where annual awards for Building Official of the Year, a BOAT Scholarship, the BOAT Industry Award, and Awards for Excellence (outstanding municipal inspection departments) are presented.
Legislative Voice
Join forces with your fellow building officials and TML to help shape effective state legislation.
Public Relations
As more and more building officials join BOAT, we can increase public awareness of the industry and its importance in the community. Membership in BOAT is a way to show pride in your profession to the community.
Code Development Opportunities
Through interaction and membership in the model code groups, members have enhanced opportunities to participate in and impact the development of today’s codes.
Online Membership Directory
BOAT maintains a complete online membership directory. This directory is password protected and contains live e-mail addresses of members. It is searchable by name, region, population, city, title, or membership classification, and it is updated weekly.
Membership Classifications
BOAT membership consists of three categories: Voting, General, and Professional.
Voting Member
Each governmental entity—such as a city, county, state agency, or other political subdivision that has authority to adopt and enforce building construction and maintenance codes—may appoint one of its full-time employees as a voting member of this association. This voting member shall be designated on the membership application as such and may vote on all matters brought before the membership. Each governmental entity shall only be entitled to one Voting Member.
General Member
Voting members may designate employees of governmental entities—such as a city, county, state agency, or other political subdivision that has authority to adopt and enforce building construction and maintenance codes and that is involved in the administration or formulation of laws and/or ordinances regarding building construction and/or maintenance codes—as a General Member.
This designation provides all of the benefits of BOAT membership without voting privileges. The benefits of education, training, and professional interaction as well as membership number for online access, CEU tracking. This is intended to allow greater access for staff at a reduced price. For more information about BOAT General Membership, contact BOAT staff at 512-231-7400, or e-mail
Professional Member
An individual or an engineering, architectural, or professional inspection or material testing firm; or an individual or a firm involved in construction development or construction material manufacturing that is interested in or allied with building construction or construction inspection, may apply to be a Professional Member of BOAT.
Membership Dues
Annual dues are based upon these membership classifications:
- Voting • $50
- General • $20
- Professional • $35
BOAT is an affiliate organization of the Texas Municipal League (TML), which represents some 98 percent of Texas’ urban population through its 1,090-plus member cities and towns. Organized in 1913 as an informal association of 14 cities, TML today is a progressive, non-profit organization offering a wide variety of services to Texas cities.
As partners, TML and BOAT offer the best in representation and assistance to cities and their respective colleagues.
Join or Renew Today
BOAT New Member Application
BOAT New Member Application | Online Form
BOAT New Member Application | Downloadable Form (fill out and print)
BOAT Membership Renewal
Log in to the secure TML database to update your contact information and renew your membership with the Building Officials of Texas Association. BOAT has a services agreement with the Texas Municipal League.
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